Welcome to all Knights of Columbus Jurisdictions!

Thank you for visiting the Our Marriage Prayer program!

Wisconsin invites all jurisdictions to join us in celebrating marriage on World Marriage Sunday February 9th, 2020. Please read the following sections on this page.

  • What is the Our Marriage Prayer?
  • Why celebrate marriage?
  • How does a council celebrate it?
  • Where can I get prayer cards?
  • How do I have it translated into my language?
  • Additional Details

What is the Our Marriage Prayer?

It is a beautiful prayer that reminds the couple what they must do every day to keep their marriage strong. Most importantly, it asks God to protect the marriage by placing it safely in His hands. Here is the front and back of the English Our Marriage Prayer card. They are approximately 3" x 5".


Why celebrate marriage?

The last line of the prayer is Dear Lord, we put our marriage into your hands. Wisconsin encourages all couples in your jurisdiction to pray this beautiful prayer every night in front of the children so the children will memorize the prayer. When they eventually get married, they will pray the prayer with their spouse because mom and dad always did. If they have children, they will pray it in front of the children which will pass the prayer on down through the generations

Marriage is the foundation of the family and families are the foundation of our councils and parishes. If we want to protect our councils and parishes, we must focus on protecting the marriage. 

With some couples not choosing to get married and some of those that are getting married choosing to separate or get a divorce, we must do something different to protect the marriage. Praying the Our Marriage Prayer every day will remind the couple what they must do to keep their marriage strong and place the marriage in God's protective hands. Having this protection will encourage couples to get married and stay married.

If we are going to protect marriage, why focus on just the current marriage? Let's protect all the marriages in each family tree for all generations to come! That is the power of this prayer!

How does a council celebrate the Our Marriage Prayer?

Have a knight lead the prayer after communion and give each couple an Our Marriage Prayer card as they leave the church. Do not distribute prayer cards before mass because it keeps the couple from focusing on each other during the prayer after communion and can also leave prayer cards in the pews. 

Please watch the following video. You can also download the Text spoken by Father and the Text spoken the Knight.

Where can I get prayer cards?

If you want to get a small quantity of cards, you can get them from Amazon. Each Amazon order is for two packs of 125 cards for a total of 250 cards. They are available in English and Spanish

If you wish to order the cards in bulk, you can receive about a 40% discount. Bulk orders are available in 25 or 50 packs of cards that contain 125 cards in each pack. You can then distribute them to your councils at leadership or District Deputy meetings.  Send an email to JUCHYTIL@OUTLOOK.COM for more details. 

How do I have it translated into my language?

The marriage prayer cards are available in English and Spanish. We are working on translating to Polish. To request other languages, please send an email to JUCHYTIL@OUTLOOK.COM.

Additional Details

Please continue to the Knights of Columbus page for all the details on this beautiful program!